Developing a laboratory based CCMT programme status reporting system in the Ekurhuleni Health District
Cassim, Naseem
The purpose of this study was to develop a laboratory based Comprehensive Care, Management and Treatment of HIV and AIDS (CCMT) programme status reporting system using a methodological research study design. Quantitative data was collected using a request form and qualitative data was collected using structured questionnaires. For the study 1190 eligible CD4 samples were received, of which 1004 (84%) had a valid CCMT programme status. Overall 32% of the CD4 samples had a pre-ART status (n=383) and 52% had an ART status (n=621). The remaining 16% of CD4 samples (n=186) did not have a valid CCMT programme status. A pre-ART register was generated and assessed using a structured questionnaire. Based on the study findings a recommendation has been made to adopt the two-tick design for all NHLS request forms where programmatic data is collected. Additionally the CCMT programme status reporting system is recommended for rollout to other health districts