Management approaches in the construction sector as experience by employees: a decolonial study: a research report
Mazibuko, Bafana Robinson
Employees in the South African context are not at a happy state as the result of the
way they are being managed (Kamoche 2011:1; Mangaliso 2001:29; Thomas &
Bendixen 2000:509). The country’s workplace is characterised by dictatorship and
marginalisation of the key role players in the realisation of the organisational
objectives (Handford & Coetsee 2003:32; Thomas & Bendixen 2000:517). The
managerial frameworks employed in managing the African workforce are foreign and
at odds with the context’s dynamic (Jackson 2002b:470; Kamoche 2011:31;
Mangaliso 2001:31; Masango 2002:707-708; Nyambegera 2002:1081).
This decolonial study investigating the perceptions of management held by the
employees of Temi Construction in the construction sector is by its nature
exploratory as well as descriptive. The study’s purpose is to explore and provide a
rich description of the employees’ perceptions and experiences of how they are
being managed in this company in particular and in the sector in general. This is
done through interviews and talking circles to collect qualitative data with the
purpose of contributing to the development of the Afrocentric Management
The findings of the current study reveal that the workforce in Temi Construction are
not happy with the way they are being managed. This emanates from the
marginalisation prevalent in the working environment, the use of Classical approach
and autocratic style to manage the workforce and an unconducive working
environment created by the management systems in place. An alternative
managerial framework aligned with the African dynamics needs to be developed
from an indigenous lens using local knowledge and be practiced in managing the
African workforce. From this study, the belief held tallies with the findings as well as
the literature that the adoption of the Afrocentric Management Approach in the
workplace will undoubtedly change the work milieu positively.; Abasebenzi eNingizimu Afrika abekho esimweni sokujabula ngenxa yendlela
abaphethwe ngayo (Kamoche 2011:1; Mangaliso 2001:29; Thomas & Bendixen
2000:509). Indawo yokusebenza yezwe ibonakala ngobudlobongela kanye
nokubukelwa phansi kwababambe iqhaza elikhulu ekufezekiseni izinhloso
zenhlangano yokusebenzela (Handford & Coetsee 2003:32; Thomas & Bendixen
2000:517). Izinhlaka zokuphatha ezisetshenziswa ekulawuleni abasebenzi base-
Afrika yonkana zibuya emazweni angaphandle futhi ziyangqubuzana
nokuguquguquka komongo (Jackson 2002b:470; Kamoche 2011:31; Mangaliso
2001:31; Masango 2002:707-708; Nyambegera 2002:1081).
Lolu cwaningo oluphikisana nencindezelo oluphenya imibono yabasebenzi base-
Temi Construction emkhakheni wezokwakha mayelana nendlela abaphethwe ngayo
luwukuhlola ngokwemvelo kanye nokuchaza kabanzi. Inhloso yocwaningo ukuhlola
nokunikeza incazelo ecebile yemibono yabasebenzi nolwazi lokuthi baphathwa
kanjani kule nkampani ikakhulukazi kanye nasemkhakheni jikelele. Lokhu kwenziwa
ngenhloso yokufaka isandla ekuthuthukisweni indlela yomdabu yokuphatha
abasebenzi ebizwa nge-Afrocentric Management Approach.
Imiphumela yocwaningo iveza ukuthi abasebenzi base-Temi Construction abeneme
ngendlela abaphethwe ngayo. Lokhu kuvela ekubandlululweni okuvame kakhulu
endaweni yokusebenza, ukusetshenziswa kwendlela eyincindezi zokuphatha
ezaziwa ngelithi Classical Management Approach kanye nesitayela sobushiqela
ukuze kulawuleke abasebenzi kanye nendawo yokusebenza engafanele edalwe
izinhlelo zokuphatha ezikhona. Olunye uhlaka lokuphatha oluhambisana nezimo
zokphila ezwenikazi lase-Afrika kumele luthuthukiswe ngendlela yomdabu
kusetshenziswe ulwazi lwendabuko oluzosetshenziswa ekulawuleni abasebenzi
basezwenikazi lase-Afrika. Kusukela kulolu cwaningo, inkolelo ihambisana
nokutholakele kanye nezincwadi zokuthi ukwamukelwa kwendlela yomdabu
yokuphatha abasebenzi ebizwa nge-Afrocentric Management Approach emsebenzini
ngokungangabazeki kuzoshintsha isimo somsebenzi ngendlela enhle.
Text in English with summaries in English and Zulu