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Analysis of government agricultural food security pack programme: the case of Mpulungu District, Northern Province, Zambia

Analysis of government agricultural food security pack programme: the case of Mpulungu District, Northern Province, Zambia Royd, Tembo This study investigated the effects, capacity, and challenges of the food security pack programme in Mpulungu district, Northern Province, Zambia. The primary sources of data were farm household surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interviews and observations. The study used a mixed-method research design. The study sampled 147 food security pack beneficiaries and 152 non-beneficiaries, two government officials, four area food security pack committees and a combined group of agro-dealers and NGOs using a simple random and purposive procedure. Quantitative and qualitative data were analysed using SPSS and thematic/content analysis, respectively. The results showed that the majority, 66 percent, of the beneficiaries cultivated a quarter to half a hectare compared to the non-beneficiaries, whose majority 61 percent cultivated less than a quarter hectare. Similarly, the majority, 70.1 percent, of the beneficiaries harvested more than 20 (50kg) bags of maize grain on average, per 0.25 hectares of land compared to eight percent of the non-beneficiaries for the three farming seasons reviewed. The independent samples test revealed that the land cultivated by the beneficiaries had a larger mean (M ₌ 2.00) than the land cultivated by the non-beneficiaries (M ₌ 1.59). Also, the maize crop productivity by the beneficiaries had a larger mean (M ₌ 4.25) than the maize crop productivity by the non-beneficiaries (M ₌ 2.45). The above pattern of results was similar to those analysed on the amount of land cultivated and maize crop harvested before and after the beneficiaries had access to the programme during the same period of review. The majority, 66 percent, of the beneficiaries cultivated a quarter to half a hectare while the majority, 85.7 percent, cultivated less than a quarter hectare before being introduced to the programme. Correspondingly, 70.1 percent of the beneficiaries harvested more than 20 (50kg) bags of maize grain on average, per 0.25 hectares of land compared to 7.5 percent that harvested the same quantity of maize crop on the same size of a piece of land before accessing the programme. The paired samples test showed that the land cultivated after the beneficiaries’ access to the programme had a higher mean (M ₌ 2.00) than the land cultivated before access (M ₌ 1.18). Also, the maize crop productivity after the beneficiaries’ access to the programme had a higher mean (M ₌ 4.25) than before access (M ₌ 1.71). The study also revealed that, despite the food security pack beneficiaries having cultivated more land and harvested more maize crop than the non-beneficiaries, there were challenges that they faced during the programme implementation. Unpredictable rainfall, political interference, and late receipt of the farming inputs were some of the major challenges that the beneficiaries encountered. The study concludes that the food security pack programme had a significant positive effect on land cultivation as well as maize crop production as established by both the independent and paired samples tests’ mean results that had Cohen’s d estimated at 0.6 and 1.5, respectively. To address the identified challenges, the study recommends the following: intensification of agricultural research to develop all-weather varieties of seed crops; development of stringent programme guidelines to curb political interference in the selection process of beneficiaries; and decentralisation of the supply of the farming inputs to district level for timely delivery to the beneficiaries, among others. On the positive effect of the programme, an increase in the ceiling of the beneficiaries from the current 300 households is proposed. These recommendations can be used as a foundation for effective strategy design and implementation of agricultural food security programmes in Zambia.; Lolu cwaningo luphenye imiphumela kanye namandla ohlelo lwamaphakethe okuphepha kokudla esifundeni saseMpulungu, esifundazweni saseNyakatho, eZambia, kanye nezinselelo okuhlangatshezwane nazo kulolu hlelo. Imithombo eyinhloko yemininingwane kwakuyizinhlolovo zasekhaya zasepulazini, izingxoxo zeqembu labantu abahlangene ukubamba iqhaza engxoxweni ngomkhiqizo ngaphambi kokuthi wethulwe, izingxoxo ezibalulekile ezinolwazi kanye nokuhlolwa. Kwasetshenziswa ukusungulwa kwecebo locwaningo oluxubile lwezindlela esifundweni. Bangu-147 abantu abazuze ngamaphakethe okuphepha kokudla kanye nabangu-152 abangazuzanga, izikhulu ezimbili zikahulumeni, amakomidi amane wamaphakethe okuphepha kokudla endaweni kanye neqembu elihlangene labathengisi bezolimo kanye nezinhlangano ezingenzi nzuzo zenziwa amasampula kusetshenziswa izinqubo ezilula ezingahleliwe nezinhloso. Imininingwane eveza inani elithile noma ububanzi nechaza izimfanelo yahlaziywa kusetshenziswa isetshenziselwe Ukuhlaziywa Kwemininingwane Yezibalo yeSayensi Yezenhlalakahle (SPSS) kanye nendlela yokuhlaziya imininingwane yekhwalithi / okuqukethwe, ngokulandelana. Imiphumela ikhombise ukuthi iningi (amaphesenti angama-66) labazuzi belilime ikota kuya kuhhafu wendawo elingana nesikwele nezinhlangothi zamamitha ayi-100 yomhlaba ngenkathi iningi (amaphesenti angama-61) labangebona abazuzi belilime ngaphansi kwendawo elingana nesikwele nezinhlangothi zamamitha ayi-100 zomhlaba. Ngokunjalo, iningi labazuzi (amaphesenti angama-70.1%), kuqhathaniswa namaphesenti ayisishiyagalombili alabo abangazuzi, lase livune izikhwama ezingaphezu kuka-20 (amakhilogramu angama-50) zommbila ngokwesilinganiso esingu-0.25 sendawo elingana nesikwele nezinhlangothi zamamitha ayi-100 zomhlaba maqondana nezinkathi ezintathu zokulima ezibuyekeziwe. Ukuhlolwa kwamasampula okuzimele kuveze ukuthi umhlaba olinywe ngabazuzi unesilinganiso esikhulu (M ₌ 2.00) kunomhlaba olinywe ngabangazuzi (M ₌ 1.59). Futhi, umkhiqizo wezitshalo zommbila otholwe ngabazuzi unesilinganiso esikhulu (M ₌ 4.25) kunomkhiqizo wezitshalo zommbila otholwe yilabo abangazuzi (M ₌ 2.45). Le ndlela engenhla yemiphumela ibifana nemiphumela ehlaziyiwe maqondana nenani lomhlaba olinyiwe nommbila ovunwe ngaphambi nangemva kokwethulwa kwabazuzi ohlelweni ngesikhathi esifanayo sokubuyekeza. Bangamaphesenti angama-66 abantu abazuzile abebelime umhlaba oyikota nohafu wendawo elingana nesikwele nezinhlangothi zamamitha ayi-100 kanti amaphesenti angama-85 abelime umhlaba ongaphansi ngekota lendawo elingana nesikwele nezinhlangothi zamamitha ayi-100 ngaphambi kokuba bethulwe ohlelweni. Ngokunjalo, amaphesenti angama-70.1 abazuzi babevunile amasaka angaphezu kwama-20 (amakhilogramu angama-50) okusanhlamvu wommbila ngokwesilinganiso esingu 0.25 sendawo elingana nesikwele nezinhlangothi zamamitha ayi-100 zomhlaba, kuqhathaniswa namaphesenti angama-7.5 abebevunile inani elifanayo lezitshalo zommbila ngosayizi ofanayo womhlaba ngaphambi kokuba bethulwe ohlelweni. Ukuhlolwa kwamasampula okubhanqiwe kukhombisile ukuthi umhlaba olinywe ngemuva kokungena kwabazuzi kulolu hlelo lube nesilingansio esiphezulu (M ₌ 2.00) kunomhlaba olinywe ngaphambi kokungena kwabo (M ₌ 1.18). Futhi, umkhiqizo wezitshalo zommbila ngemuva kokungena kwabazuzi kulolu hlelo lube nesilingansio esiphezulu (M ₌ 4.25) kunomkhiqizo wezitshalo zommbila ngaphambi kokungena kwabo (M ₌ 1.71). Ucwaningo luphinde lwembula ukuthi, yize abazuzi bamapakethe okuphepha kokudla bebelime umhlaba omningi futhi bavuna isitshalo sommbila esiningi kunalabo abangazuzi, babhekane nezinselelo ezithile ngesikhathi kwenziwa uhlelo njengokunqunyiwe. Imvula ebingalindelekile, ukugxambukela kwezombusazwe kanye nokuthola sekwedlule isikhathi okokufaka kwezolimo ngezinye zezingqinamba ezinkulu abazuzi abahlangabezana nazo. Ucwaningo luphetha ngokuthi uhlelo lwamaphakethe okuphepha kokudla lube nomthelela omuhle ekulimeni umhlaba nasekukhiqizeni isitshalo sommbila, njengoba kukhonjisiwe yimiphumela yesilinganiso yomibili yamasampula esivivinyo esizimele kanye nesivivinyo samasampula abhanqiwe, lapho uCohen's d alinganisela ku-0.6 no-1.5, ngokulandelana. Ukubhekana nezinselelo ezikhonjiwe maqondana nohlelo lwamaphakethe okuphepha kokudla, kuphakanyiswa lezi zinyathelo ezilandelayo ocwaningweni: ukuqiniswa kocwaningo kwezolimo ukuthuthukisa izinhlobo zezulu zonke zezitshalo zembewu; ukwenziwa kwemihlahlandlela yohlelo olunzima ukunqanda ukugxambukela kwezombusazwe ekukhethweni kwabazuzayo; kanye nokudluliswa kokulawulwa kokuhlinzekwa kokufakwa kwezolimo ezingeni lesifunda ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukulethwa ngesikhathi esifanele kwalezo zinhlinzeko kubazuzi bohlelo, phakathi kokunye. Ukwenza ngcono imiphumela emihle yalolu hlelo, kuphakanyiswa ukwanda kokukhuphuka ezingeni lenhlangano yize kunemikhawulo engashiwongo evimbela intuthuko yabazuzi emindenini yamanje engama-300. Lezi ziphakamiso zingasetshenziswa njengesisekelo esisebenzayo sokusungula kwamasu nokwenza njengokunqunyiwe maqondana nezinhlelo zokuphepha kokudla kwezolimo eZambia.; Esi sifundo saphanda ngefuthe namandla enkqubo yokufumaneka kweepakethe zokutya kwisithili saseMpulungu, kwiphondo eliseMantla, eZambia, kunye nemingeni eyavelela le nkqubo. Imithombo yokuqala yolwazi yaba ziintlolomvo zamakhaya asezifama, amaqela engxoxo, iindliwano ndlebe nabanolwazi kunye nokuqwalasela. Kwasetyenziswa iindlela zophando ezixubeneyo, kwenziwa isampulu yabantu abanikwa iipakethe zokutya abali-147, nabangazange banikwe abali-152, amagosa karhulumente amabini, iikomiti zengingqi ezine nezijongene neepakethe zokutya kwakunye neqela elixubeneyo loosomashishini bezolimo namaqumrhu angasebenzeli ngeniso. Isampulu yakhethwa ngokuxuba iinkqubo ezingacwangciswanga Iinkcukacha zolwazi ezivele ngobuninzi bamanani nangokuzathuza zahlalutywa kusetyenziswa indlela yohlalutyo ekuthiwa yiStatistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) kunye nohlalutyo lwemixholo/lweziqulatho. Iziphumo zabonakalisa ukuba uninzi (66 ekhulwini) lwabantu abafumana iipakethe zokutya babelima malunga nekota ukuya kwisiqingatha sehektare yomhlaba lo gama uninzi (61 ekhulwini) lwabangafumani pakethe zokutya lwalulima ngaphantsi kwekota yehektare yomhlaba. Ngokunjalo, uninzi (70.1 ekhulwini) lwabafumana iipakethe zokutya, kuthelekiswa nesibhozo ekhulwini sabangafumani pakethe zokutya, lwavuna ngaphezulu kwamashumi amabini (50 kg) zombona kwi 0.25 yehektare kumaxesha okulima amathathu awayeqwalaselwe. Iimvavanyo ezizimeleyo nezizisampulu zadiza ukuba umhlaba olinywa ngabafumana iipakethe zokutya wawunomyinge ongumndilili ongaphezulu (M ₌ 2.00) kunalowo wabangafumani pakethe zokutya (M ₌ 1.59). Kwakhona, ukuvelisa kwembewu yombona okwazuzwa ngabafumana iipakethe zokutya kwakunomyinge ongumndilili ongaphezulu (M ₌ 4.25) kunalowo wabangafumani pakethe zokutya (M ₌ 2.45). Le pateni yeziphumo ingentla yafana neziphumo ezahlalutywa malunga nobungakanani bomhlaba owawulinyiwe nesivuno sombona esasifunyewe ngaphambi nasemva kokungeniswa kwabafumana iipakethe zokutya kule nkqubo. Ama-66 ekhulwini abo bafumana iipakethe zokutya balima ikota ukuya kwisiqingatha sehektare yomhlaba kanti ama 85.7 ekhulwini alima ngaphantsi kwekota yehektare yomhlaba phambi kokuba bangene kule nkqubo. Ngokunjalo, ama-70.1 ekhulwini abo bafumana iipakethe zokutya avuna ngaphezu kweengxowa zombona ezingama-20 (50 kg) kwisithuba se-0.25 sehektare yomhlaba, lo gama isi-7.5 ekhulwini savuna kwalo myinge ulinganayo kumhlaba olinganayo phambi kokuba bangene kule nkqubo. Uvavanyo lweesampulu ezithelekiswa ngokwezibini lwabonisa ukuba umhlaba olinywe emva kokungena enkqubeni kwabafumana iipakethe zokutya wawunomndilili ongaphezulu (M ₌ 2.00) kunalowo womhlaba olinywe phambi kokungena enkqubeni (M ₌ 1.18). Kwakhona, ukuvelisa kwembewu yombona emva kokungena enkqubeni kwabafumana iipakethe zokutya kwaba nomndilili ongaphezulu (M ₌ 4.25) kunoko kwakuveliswa ngaphambi kokungena enkqubeni (M ₌ 1.71). Isifundo saphinda sadiza ukuba abafumana iipakethe zokutya babelime, bavuna umbona ongaphezu kwalowo wabo bangafumani pakethe zokutya, bajamelana nemingeni ngexesha lokuqhubeka kwale nkqubo. Ukungaqiniseki ngexesha lokuna kwemvula, ukugxuphuleka kwezopolitiko kokufika kade kwezibonelelo zolimo yayiyeminye imingeni ephambili abajongana nayo abafumana iipakethe zokutya. Isifundo sagqibela ngelithi inkqubo yokufumaneka kweepakethe zokutya yayinefuthe elihle ekulinyweni komhlaba nasekuvelisweni kwesivuno sombona, njengoko wabonisa umndilili weziphumo zovavanyo oluzimeleyo nolwezibini, apho iCohen’s d yayiqikelelwa kwi- 0.6 nakwi-1.5. Ekuhlangabezaneni nemingeni yenkqubo yokufumaneka kweepakethe zokutya, kucetyiswa la manyathelo alandelayo kwesi sifundo: makuqiniswe uphando kwezolimo ukwenzela ukuba kuveliswe iimbewu ezilungele nayiphi na imozulu; makuqulunqwe izikhokelo zenkqubo ezingqongqo zokuthintela ukugxuphuleka kwezopolitiko xa kukhethwa abantu abafumana iipakethe zokutya; kwaye mazingakhutshwa kwindawo enye izibonelelo zolimo, koko maziye kwizithili ukwenzela ukuba zifike kwangethuba kwabo bafumana iipakethe zokutya. Ukwandisa ifuthe elihle lale nkqubo, kucetyiswa ukuba longezwe inani lamakhaya afumana iipakethe zokutya, libe ngaphezulu kula ma-300 anikwayo ngoku. Ezi ngcebiso zinokusetyenziswa njengesiseko sokuqulunqa icebo lobulumko neliya kusetyenziswa kwiinkqubo zokufumaneka kweepakethe zokutya eZambia. Includes summary in English, isiZulu and isiXhosa

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