Inclusive Economic Growth Through Community Empowerment and Transformation: The Case of the Johannesburg Development Agency on Rea Vaya Project Implementation
Ngoepe-Ntsoane, Mokgadi Julia
Orthodox logic proposes that small, medium,
and micro enterprises are critical for growth,
development and the transformation of
society towards an inclusive economy,
particularly in developing countries. The
article provides input to the South African
context in terms of addressing pertinent
problems of multi-dimensions of poverty
that encompass inequality, income, and
unemployment at the municipal level. The
case of the Johannesburg Development
Agency (JDA), which deals with a broad
spectrum of construction projects, is used
for sharing lessons of good practice that
could be replicated in other implementing
bodies. The article uses document analysis
to cross-correlate compliance and observation
as research method. The findings are
that the operating model of JDA's project
approach ensures prevention of the ill effects
of the past, ensuring that there are economic
opportunities for the previously marginalised
groups. This approach is consistent with
the objectives of the National Development
Plan, which seeks to ensure an inclusive
economy is attained thereby combatting
socio-economic exclusion. It is concluded
that the JDA's approach towards an inclusive
growth principle has been a successful one
in terms of compliance with the legislation
and this much is corroborated through
observations made by the researcher. The
unique contribution of the study is deemed
important in the sense that it benefits society
with regard to unemployment, inequality and
income for an inclusive economy, which in
turn ensures social inclusion. A case study of
one entity is regarded as a limitation to the
study since there has not been a comparison
with others. Future studies will focus on
comparative analyses of other operational
modalities by other implementing agencies.