The concept 'nursing': a visual concept map for teaching
Mottian, Sundira Devi
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a visual concept map that
could assist nurse educators in explaining the concept ‘nursing’ so that students
have a similar understanding, meaning and interpretation thereof.
Methodology: An exploratory and descriptive qualitative study was conducted to
develop a visual conceptual map that can help in the common understanding and
interpretation of the concept ‘nursing’.
Research approach: A qualitative research approach was used. The research
approach consisted of four phases: Phase 1: A self-designed online questionnaire
was used to obtain information from the nurses, registered with South African
Nursing Council (SANC) and members of Democratic Nursing Organisation of South
Africa (DENOSA), about their interpretation of the meaning of ‘nursing’. Phase 2
included the integrative review that was used to obtain in-depth meaning of the
concept ‘nursing’ from relevant literature and documentation. Phase 3: The two sets
of analysed data from Phase 1 and Phase 2 were combined and used to develop the
visual conceptual map. Phase 4: The developed visual concept map was validated
by the nurse educators inaugurated in Sigma Theta Tau International, the Africa
Region Chapters, in order to provide a validated visual concept map based on their
expertise in Africa.
The outcome of the study: A validated visual concept map, agreed upon by nurse educators inaugurated in Sigma Theta Tau International, the Africa Region Chapters,
based on their expertise in Africa, is available and may be of great benefit for nurse educators in teaching the meaning of the concept of nursing to student nurses in
their institutions. As a teaching tool, this concept map might assist educators in
explaining the meaning and interpretation of the concept ‘nursing’.